Sunday, December 7, 2014

oNe MOre DAy dOwN

It looks like Jordon's body has decided to take the slow and steady route.  His counts are coming up very slowly.  I guess we are both suppose to learn patience.  Jordon is feeling pretty good.  His stomach is still upset about half the day.  His energy is about the same, he is tired but able to get up walk, and ride the bike.  I have to laugh at myself as I sit on the chair and watch him do a modified plank work out on the edge of the chair in his room.  

Jordon's visit from our kids was cut short,  Maya started coughing while we were in Jordon's room. We decided it would be best if the kids and I left, we are glad we did Maya has been a little under the weather sense.  The kids were at least able to celebrate Jordon's birthday with him.  After the mini party the kids and I went to the cafeteria for a fancy dinner.  I think they felt bad this was were I had to eat my meals.  They should feel bad for me they have been eating meals at grandma Red's house.  I am pretty sure they have had an endless supply of her cinnamon rolls.

Walking the halls with Jordon gets a little boring for the both of us.  I have been trying to get Jordon to walk the halls with only his hospital gown but he refuses, I can't figure out why. 
I am also thinking of purchasing two of the exercise balls with handles we had has kids.  I want to challenge Jordon to a race down the halls but I am pretty sure he would have an unfair advantage with his aerodynamic head. I don't know if my pride could handle it. I keep teasing Jordon this is the first time I am in better shape then he is. 

One of the good things to come out of our stay here is Jordon never wants to be a submarine captain. He informed me on our walk tonight,  he does not like being confined to small areas.  

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